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California introduces tax-by-the-mile plan as state revenue from fuel tax drops due to electric vehicle usage

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Buyers of electric cars in California may not have been aware of the new tax-by-the-mile plan before they decided to purchase their vehicles. Had they known about the potential added cost, they may have made a different decision. But regardless of personal choice, California law mandates that all new car sales be electric by 2035.

“This pay-to-drive scheme essentially turns your car into a rental,” Patrick Wood said.  After quoting from a course on technocracy in 1934, he added, “Don’t tell me that Technocracy is not in play here.”

We would add, do you remember the World Economic Forum’s threat “you will own nothing”?

World Economic Forum on Twitter, 18 November 2016.
The tweet was deleted on 17 November 2020 due to the backlash it received. Source: Élément Æsthétique

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California has the highest income tax rate in the USA (top tier of 14.4 per cent), the highest statewide sales tax rate (7.25 per cent, plus local sales taxes), and the highest fuel tax rate ($0.78 per gallon).   The old joke is that California would tax the air we breathe if it could. Well, California’s latest tax proposal comes close. The state is recruiting drivers for a pilot program to track and tax the miles they drive.

The plan is borne from the fact that Californians have switched to electric and hybrid vehicles at a faster rate than other US states because of the state’s green initiative which has convinced Californians to switch to hybrid or electric vehicles from combustion engine vehicles.

While electric vehicles are more expensive, Californians were enticed to buy them because of the subsidies and savings they would enjoy by no longer having to buy gas. But like most government programmes, this was not well thought out. California has lost millions in tax revenue because of this scheme and now needs to make up for that. From the many options available to it, it has chosen a plan to begin tracking drivers with GPS monitors.

Under the new plan, according to Caltrans, mileage could be tracked by plugging an electronic device into a vehicle or using the vehicle’s tracking system.

There’s no telling what the government may use this new information for. The main page of the Caltrans website for the program, entitled “California Road Charge,” presents the tagline “Funding transportation in an equitable way.” There’s that word again. Government-imposed “equity” can take any number of forms. On the next page, it states that the charge is “Fair. Transparent. Sustainable.”

By charging an exorbitant fee per mile, it could effectively reduce the number of cars on the road to reduce climate change. It could also easily charge varying fees based on driver income to impose “equity.”

It could also charge varying fees based on miles driven, penalising those who the government determines drive too much.

In California, basic needs such as roads, schools, and safety take a back seat.  State politicians are more focused on changing the earth’s temperature, rectifying the scourge of slavery and building housing for all.

The above is paraphrased from the article ‘California’s Latest Tax Idea: Charge Drivers by the Mile’ published by The Epoch Times.  You can read the full article HERE.  Sharing excerpts from the article, Patrick Wood made the following comment.

California Tests Technocracy By Taxing Drivers For Miles Driven

By Patrick Wood

This Technocratic lunacy has been building for years. I wrote three years ago: “Oregon was the first state to consider a mileage tax that would track all of your mileage, with a GPS device, on which roads or streets you drove, and then send a personalised tax bill to each driver. Excess mileage could be charged an extra carbon tax. Now Buttigieg is bringing this to the national level.”

Why own a car? This pay-to-drive scheme essentially turns your car into a rental (think Hertz) where you absorb all the capital and maintenance costs, and then pay a mileage fee to boot. When consumers figure this out, the auto industry is kaput. Thereafter, it is Technocracy.

The Technocracy Study Course addressed this clearly in 1934:

Don’t tell me that Technocracy is not in play here… 

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Bruce Rathbone
Bruce Rathbone
9 days ago

Bruce Rathbone

Bruce Rathbone
Bruce Rathbone
9 days ago

California has become the leader in coming up with new taxes, tariffs and surcharges, it’s a wonder why there’s still a big population that continues to keep paying whatever fees that’s demanded all in the name of climate change the biggest fraud to ever be conceived, all anyone has to do is investigate how the climate is in their particular area and compare it to past climate, there hasn’t been the devesting catastrophic events that the climate hooligans are claiming,go back to the first prediction, somewhere in the 1990’s none of their predictions has ever become true, not one, from the first one to the most recent, everyone has failed to become fact, everyone needs to look at this evidence and stop and think about it, the arctic ice both northern and southern were supposed to have all melted away years ago,and many countries were supposed to be under water from rising ocean flood waters , the reality is nothing has changed not one country under water and the arctic ice hasn’t melted away, in fact and this is fact , arctic ice has actualy grown over the past several years, just because those in charge claim the hottest day ever and other rediculous claims doesn’t make it true, fact is there is absolutely nothing wrong with earth’s climate, it’s behaving just as it should, there is nothing unusual occurring,stop listening and just accepting what you hear, just look with your eyes and and see what is actually happening, it’s not what is being presented by news organizations, again just because they say it’s bad doesn’t make it true, just look around and judge for yourself, see there is nothing wrong with our climate, if anything that was told was true then many countries should already be under water and lots of climate refugees would be the norm, none of that is occurring,and in five years nothing would change, that’s because there is absolutely nothing wrong with our climate, nothing at all.

raj patel
raj patel
Reply to  Bruce Rathbone
9 days ago

Geo-engineering is changing the climate.

9 days ago

“by 2035”?

The primitive and brainless cattle make plans for the future that will not exist.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
9 days ago

When do we tax per mile the use of private jets and mega yachts?

9 days ago

[…] Zákazníci, kteří si v Kalifornii zakoupili elektromobil, možná nevěděli o novém plánu daně za míli, než se rozhodli koupit si svá vozidla. Kdyby věděli o potenciálních dodatečných nákladech, možná by se rozhodli jinak. […]

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
9 days ago

I do hope the country is keeping a close eye on California….because if the Governor gets into the presidential seat, folks you ain’t seen nothing yet

9 days ago

[…] Zákazníci, kteří si v Kalifornii zakoupili elektromobil, možná nevěděli o novém plánu daně za míli, než se rozhodli koupit si svá vozidla. Kdyby věděli o potenciálních dodatečných nákladech, možná by se rozhodli jinak. […]

9 days ago

Hellifornia,..there fixed it for you.

9 days ago

[…] Read more: California introduces tax-by-the-mile plan as state revenue from fuel tax drops due to el… […]

9 days ago

[…] Read more: California introduces tax-by-the-mile plan as state revenue from fuel tax drops due to el… […]

9 days ago

[…] California introduces tax-by-the-mile plan as state revenue from fuel tax drops due to electric vehi… …regardless of personal choice, California law mandates that all new car sales be electric by 2035. “This pay-to-drive scheme essentially turns your car into a rental,” Patrick Wood said.  After quoting from a course on technocracy in 1934, he added, “Don’t tell me that Technocracy is not in play here.” We would add, do you remember the World Economic Forum’s threat “you will own nothing”? […]

john w
john w
8 days ago

It has never been about saving energy, it has always been about controlling the people.

8 days ago

[…] – California introduces tax-by-the-mile plan as state revenue from fuel tax drops due to electric vehi… […]